Empowering Higher Education Leaders

J. Michael (Mike) Pressimone, Ed.D. shares his 40 years of experience in higher education to aid others on their journeys to provide transformative opportunities for the next generation of college students.

Mike understands the unique challenges and opportunities in the higher education landscape and is dedicated to helping you succeed. He has seen the highs and lows of leadership. He survived the pandemic! He continues to be inspired by stories of student success and transformation.

Together, let’s shape the future of higher education.

Pressimone family circa 2023

Graduation selfie!

About Mike!

  • He was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He was a first generation college student.

  • Academic journey: A.A. Degree - Catonsville Community College; B.F.A. Theatre - The Catholic University of America; M.A. Leadership in Higher Education - Regis University; Ed.D. Higher Education and Organizational Change - Benedictine University.

  • He served as advancement vice president at Alvernia University, (PA)

    Belmont Abbey College (NC) and Elizabethtown College (PA). Currently serves as Vice President for Advancement at St. Bonaventure University.

  • He served as president at Notre Dame College (OH) and Fontbonne University (MO).

  • Father of 12, grandfather to almost 12 (coming soon!) married to Cathy for 42 years.

  • Runner, golfer, actor, singer, carpenter!